Watch yu gi oh zexal episodes online for free
Watch yu gi oh zexal episodes online for free

watch yu gi oh zexal episodes online for free watch yu gi oh zexal episodes online for free

Some of the characters are just so annoying, I don't know why I even continued to watch it sometimes. Overall, I have nothing to complain about in this part. I don't see anything wrong with the sound. Overall, it looks nice, but could be better. The character design could use some work, as the hairstyles of people in this show is just plain weird. The animation of this series is fine, the characters don't look fake. Overall, it's really a tragedy how bad this story is. The ideas of this story are horrible, as they are simply a copy of the plot of both the original series and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

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They are not bad themes, they just aren't presented in the right way. This series also can become extremely annoying with its use of themes, as the hints of friendship just don't sound like something anyone would ever say. The once great story of the original has yet to be followed up wth each of the sequel seasons becoming worse and worse. The story for Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal is sadly lacking.

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